The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA) was originally established in February 1949 as the Japan Refrigerating Machine Manufacturers Association which was thereafter reorganized in February 1969 to become an incorporated association and renamed as it is at present.
JRAIA aims to promote and improve production, distribution and consumption of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and their applied products, as well as auxiliary devices and components, automatic controls and accessories and thereby contribute to the steady development of Japanese industry and the improvement in people's standard of living.
JRAIA is composed of 167 companies including regular members, associate members and related organizations. (As of March 2023)
(1)Regular members:
Any corporation or individual engaged in manufacture of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, or any group consisting of any such corporations or individuals.
(2)Parent, subsidiary or affiliate company of a regular member, having an intention to join JRAIA's activities.
(3)Associate members:
Any person (other than regular and special members) who agrees with the mission of JRAIA and is ready to cooperate in its activities.
Kikai Shinko Bldg. 201, 5-8, Shibakoen 3-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, JAPAN
- Phone
- : +81-3-3432-1671
- Fax
- : +81-3-3438-0308
Main Activities
- Promotion of measures to increase output, distribution, trade and consumption
- Establish standards and guideline, and promotion of measures to improve technologies
- Promotion of international exchanges, holding and participating in international conferences
- Participating in and holding expositions and symposiums
- Gathering and providing information on domestic and foreign affairs
- Research and public relations
- Research study of environmental issues and cooperative work for government measures
- Testing and certification of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and testing facilities
- Other activities to achieve the goal of JRAIA
Items covered by JRAIA
Main items covered by JRAIA's activities are as follows
- Residential air conditioners/ Commercial air conditioners
- Gas engine-driven heat pump air conditioners / Fan-coil units / Air-handling units
- Spot coolers / Heat and Energy Recovery Ventilations
- Chilling units / Absorption chillers / Centrifugal chillers /Thermal storage systems
- Automotive air conditioners
- Air cleaners
- Dehumidifiers
- Heat pump water heaters
- Commercial refrigerated cabinets / Commercial closed reach-in refrigerators
- Automatic ice makers
- Transport refrigeration units
- Other refrigerating systems : for Dairy products, Food-processing
- Ice makers for ice skate rinks / Phama-medical use
3.Major components
- Refrigerant recovery / Recycling equipment
- Compressors / Condensing units
- Auxiliary equipment : Evaporators / Condensers / Liquid receivers / Oil separators Automatic controllers / Valves / Measuring equipment
- Cooling towers
- Fans and blowers
4.Environment-related equipment (Fluorocarbons Control)
5.District heating and cooling systems
6.Cogeneration systems

JRAIA Secretariat

JRAIA Certification Program
Quality is very important so that refrigeration and air conditioning equipment can be used safely.
Under this principle, JRAIA established ‘Certification Program for Performance of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment.’
The Program aims to provide the firm certification system for room and packaged air conditioners.
To comply with the Certification Program, the followings are required.
(1)Audit of performance quality control system and testing facilities
(2)Registration of certified products
(3)Product inspection

Certification Mark
Residential air conditioners, Commercial air conditioners, Residential heat pump water heaters and Gas engine-driven heat pumps of member companies participated in the
JRAIA's certification program are shipped with a certification mark displayed thereon.
Either of the certification mark shown here can be used for selling products.
From 1 April 2027, old mark (on the right) will be discontinued for new production.