- 08/Aug/2017Addition in International Relations; " July 2017 UNEP OEWG39 "
- 25/Jul/2017Update in Statistics: "Monthly Shipments of Air conditioners & Residential Heat Pump Water Heaters"
- 25/Jul/2017Update in Statistics: "Estimate for air-conditioning market trend in the world"
- 22/Jun/2017Addition in Standards: "JRA GL-20T:2016"
- 22/Jun/2017Update in Statistics: "Monthly Shipments of Air conditioners & Residential Heat Pump Water Heaters"
- 25/May/2017 Update in Statistics: "World Air conditioner Demand by Region"
- 25/May/2017Update Domestic Market in Statistics
- 25/May/2017 Update in Research Projects
- 10/May/2017Addition in Symposium: "The 12th International Symposium on New Refrigerants and Environmental Technology 2016 report
- 10/May/2017Update in Statistics: "Estimate for air-conditioning market trend in the world"