*The registration form will be also downloadable from the website.

*Registration will close as soon as the booths are fully booked.

Use of a single booth

The dimensions of a single booth will be 3 m (W) x 3 m (D) x 2.7 m (H).
If there is an adjacent booth, the organizer will place a system wall at the boundary with it, and the booth dimensions will be 2.97 m (W) x 2.97 m (D).

If there are no adjacent booths, only the space will be provided.

Booth diagram

Expenses included in the exhibition fees
  • Single booth space
  • System wall(If there is an adjacent booth)
  • Complimentary program comprising the following items:
    • Set of invitation cards and posters
    • Exhibitor information on official website
    • Exhibitor information in a news release
Expenses not included in the exhibition fees

Expenses for transporting anything in/out, booth decoration, tables, chairs, company name display, lighting, power, etc.

Exhibition fees

Single booth 3m ✕ 3m
Member 330,000 yen (tax included)
Non-member 396,000 yen (tax included)

*Member means a regular member, special member, or supporting member of the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association, the organizer of the exhibition.
*The Secretariat will provide a booth package with the minimum booth decorations necessary for the exhibition.
For details, please contact the Secretariat (about 70,000 yen will be charged per booth).

Terms of registration related to determination of the locations of booths, etc.

The locations of booths shall be determined by the organizer based on the number of booths, past exhibitions, contents of exhibition, and other factors.
The organizer may rearrange the locations of booths even after announcement of their locations, in order to improve exhibition effectiveness, etc.
In the event that this occurs, exhibitors may not claim compensation from the organizer for any changes in the locations of booths or any expenses incurred as a result.

Pre-exhibition schedule

Release of event overview
Start of registration
Deadline for registration
Explanatory meeting for exhibitors (publication of the floor plan)
Deadline for documents to be submitted
Booth setup (3 days)
Exhibition (4 days)
Dismantling of booths immediately after the exhibition

Exhibition Rules

Chapter I. General Rules

Article 1. Name
The English name of the exhibition shall be “THE 44TH HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR-COONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATING EXPO,” and its abbreviated name shall be “HVAC&R JAPAN 2026” (hereinafter referred to as “HVAC&R JAPAN”).
Article 2. Organizer
  1. HVAC&R JAPAN shall be organized by the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizer”).
  2. The Organizer shall have full authority and responsibility for organizing HVAC&R JAPAN.
Article 3. Exhibitors
  1. The exhibitors shall comprise organizations, corporations and groups that have registered to exhibit at HVAC&R JAPAN and been approved by the Organizer.
  2. Exhibitors shall follow the rules and instructions provided by the Organizer regarding the exhibition and organization of HVAC&R JAPAN.
Article 4. Secretariat
The Organizer shall establish an HVAC&R JAPAN Secretariat (hereinafter referred to as “the Secretariat”) within the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association in order to organize HVAC&R JAPAN.

Chapter II. Exhibition Procedures, Etc.

Article 5. Registration for the Exhibition and Conclusion of an Agreement
  1. Registrants shall fill in and submit to the Organizer an Exhibition Registration Form after agreeing to comply with these Exhibition Rules.
  2. Registrants shall provide true, accurate, complete and up-to-date information to the Organizer.
  3. The exhibition agreement shall come into effect once the Secretariat sends an exhibition confirmation email upon receipt of an Exhibition Registration Form via fax, email, the online exhibition registration system or post.
  4. The registration period for the exhibition shall be from June 2 (Mon) to August 31 (Thu), 2025
Article 6. Exhibition Fees
Exhibition fees shall be paid in Japanese currency.
Article 7. Payment of Exhibition Fees
  1. Each exhibitor shall pay the exhibition fees by the method and date set forth in the invoice. In the event that payment cannot be confirmed by the specified date, the Organizer may terminate the exhibition agreement.
  2. Exhibitors shall pay the exhibition fees and other payments to the following account:
    Mizuho Bank Kamiyacho Branch, Savings 1079133
    Account holder: The Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association
Article 8. Determination of the Locations of Booths
  1. The locations of booths shall be determined by the Organizer based on the number of booths, past exhibitions, exhibition size and products to be exhibited, and exhibitors shall not object to said decisions.
  2. The Organizer may rearrange booths even after announcement of their locations, in order to improve exhibition effectiveness, etc. In the event that this occurs, exhibitors may not claim compensation from the Organizer for any changes in the locations of booths or any expenses incurred as a result.
Article 9. Co-exhibition
In the event that two or more companies participate as co-exhibitors, a single representative company shall communicate the names of the exhibiting companies and other relevant matters at the time of registration.
Article 10. Prohibition of Subleasing Booths
Exhibitors may not resell, trade, barter or transfer their booths without the consent of the Organizer.
Article 11. Withdrawal of Exhibitors from the Exhibition
  1. In principle, exhibitors shall not be permitted to withdraw their exhibits in whole or in part. However, exhibitors may withdraw from the exhibition by paying the withdrawal fee below, if they submit to the Organizer a written withdrawal request stating the reason and the Organizer deems the request to be due to force majeure and approves withdrawal. This applies until 16:00 on January 26 (Mon), 2026, if booth decoration has not been completed.
  2. In the event that an exhibitor withdraws from the exhibition, the withdrawal fee shall be calculated based on the date and time the Organizer confirms receipt of the written withdrawal request. That date shall serve as the withdrawal date.
  3. The exhibitor shall pay the following withdrawal fee to the Organizer in accordance with the withdrawal date.
    (1) For withdrawal by October 31 (Fri), 2025: 50% of the exhibition fee
    (2) For withdrawal on or after November 1 (Sat), 2025: 100% of the exhibition fee
Article 12: Cancellation of Exhibition by the Organizer
  1. In the event that the Organizer considers an exhibitor unsuitable for HVAC&R JAPAN (with respect to any aspect, including personnel, objects, acts, printed material and any attributes the Organizer considers problematic), the Organizer may request that the exhibitor withdraw from the exhibition, even after an exhibition confirmation email has been sent out, providing that exhibition fees already paid are refunded.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to revoke the right to exhibit from exhibitors in the event exhibition fees are not paid by the specified date.
Article 13: Cancellation and Suspension of the Exhibition
  1. In the event the Organizer determines that it is impossible or difficult to hold or continue to hold HVAC&R JAPAN (or any part thereof) due to force majeure or otherwise determines that said event must be cancelled or suspended, the Organizer may cancel or suspend the event. Under no circumstances shall exhibitors be entitled to claim damages from the Organizer as a result of said decision.
  2. Force majeure in the preceding paragraph includes natural disasters, such as typhoons, floods, wind damage and earthquakes; epidemics, fires and other accidents; and legal regulatory decisions by the national and local governments.
  3. In the event that the entire schedule is cancelled or suspended due to force majeure or other reasons, the Organizer shall refund any remaining exhibition fees to exhibitors after deducting expenses already incurred.

Chapter III. Indemnity Obligations, etc.

Article 14. Management of Exhibited Articles and Disclaimer
The Organizer shall take the utmost care to prevent accidents in management and storage within the exhibition venue but shall not be liable for any loss or damage of exhibited articles, regardless of the cause.
Article 15. Guarantees
Exhibitors shall assure the Organizer that articles exhibited at the exhibition and printed materials and other media related to the articles exhibited do not infringe trademarks, designs, patents, utility models or other intellectual property rights of third parties.
Article 16. Obligations of Exhibitors
  1. In the event that any conduct relating to an exhibitor’s exhibit is alleged to infringe a trademark, design, patent, utility model or any other intellectual property right of a third party, the exhibitor shall be responsible for promptly settling the dispute with the third party, shall be obligated to not interfere with the normal and smooth proceeding of the exhibition and shall exempt the Organizer from liability. In the event that any damage is caused to the Organizer, the exhibitor shall indemnify the Organizer against any such damage.
  2. In the case of a group exhibition, the person in charge shall have the same obligation as in the preceding paragraph with respect to any claim of infringement of intellectual property rights from a third party against an exhibitor who is a member of the group.
Article 17. Indemnification for Damages
  1. Exhibitors shall be liable for any and all damage to venue facilities and exhibition buildings and for any personal injury, etc., arising from the breach of this agreement by them or their agents.
  2. Exhibitors agree to indemnify the Organizer for any legal fees, liabilities (including attorney fees), necessary expenses and damages arising from litigation resulting from claims in the following cases:
    (1) In the event that a lawsuit is filed against the Organizer on the basis of a claim that the exhibitor’s conduct in connection with the exhibition infringes a trademark, design, patent, utility model or other intellectual property right of a third party (including cases where both the Organizer and exhibitor are named as defendants).
    (2) In the event that the Organizer becomes liable for damages in a judgment or judicial or non-judicial settlement for a lawsuit in the case of (1) above (the Organizer shall not be bound by the will of the exhibitor with respect to settlements).

Chapter IV. Other

Article 18. Issuance of Letters of Invitation
Exhibitors may not request the Organizer to issue documents such as letters of invitation necessary for the issuance of visas.
Article 19. Governing Law
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
Article 20. Court of Agreed Jurisdiction
The court having jurisdiction over any dispute relating to this agreement shall be the Tokyo District Court.
Article 21. Language of Use
The language used in these Rules and documents prepared and disclosed by the Organizer in connection therewith shall be Japanese.
Article 22. Amendment of the Rules
The Organizer may amend part of these Rules if the Organizer deems it necessary. The amended Rules will be announced in writing or by other means.
Article 23. Compliance with Rules, etc.
Exhibitors shall comply with these Rules and all other terms and conditions set forth by the Organizer, as well as the rules set forth in the Exhibition Guide.
Article 24. Ambiguity
The Organizer retains the final say in matters not specified in these Rules and in cases of ambiguity.
Article 25. Registration by Overseas Agencies
Overseas agencies may only register for the number of booths for which the exhibitors have already been decided. Registration for booths shall not be accepted if the exhibitors have not been decided. In addition, if payment is not made by the due date indicated in the invoice issued by the Organizer after exhibition participation has been confirmed, the Organizer may revoke its decision regarding participation in the exhibition.