当工業会では、冷凍空調業界の需要動向を展望する上での参考資料を作成することを 目的として16品目の2024-2025年までの国内出荷台数予測を行いまし
International Symposium on New Refrigerants and Environmental Technology 2023(Hybrid)
No.696 2024年3月
The International Symposium on Environment and New Refrigerants 2023 was held at the Kobe International Conference Center on Thursday 16 - Friday 17 November 2023.
Report 2021 Click here
Report 2018 Click here
Results and programme of the International Symposium on Environment and New Refrigerants 2023 Click here
1.A record number of 631 participants., which was the first face-to-face event in almost five years.
The last time the event was held in 2018, it was not held in person due to Covid-19, but this time it was held as a hybrid for the first time in five years.
The event usually averages around 400-500 attendees, but with the addition of Zoom streaming, the number of attendees exceeded 600, making the event a success.
There were 35 lectures, 17 poster sessions and 631 registrations, including 80 international participants from nine countries, mainly from China, Korea, Thailand and the USA.
Photo1: Kobe International Conference Center
On the first day, opening speeches were given by Mr Tazunoki, Chairman of JRAIA, and Mr Imanishi, Deputy Mayor of Kobe City. In addition, Mr Okada, President of JRAIA, gave a keynote speech on 'Challenges and Responses of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry to Achieve Carbon Neutrality 2025'.
The keynote presentation material can be found here.

Photo6: Q and A

Photo7: Mr.Nonaka, Chair of Kobe symposium steering committee

Photo8: Poster session

Photo9: Poster session speach

Photo10: documents
At the end of the first day, a reception party was held, which was well attended and resulted in a lively exchange of ideas.

Photo11: Reception party

Photo12: Reception dinner
This year, even in mid-November, it was still too warm to feel the change of season, but the Christmas tree in front of Sannomiya Station finally made me realise that the end of the year is near.

Photo13: Xmas tree in front of Hankyu department stores
The next event is scheduled for autumn 2025.