当工業会では、冷凍空調業界の需要動向を展望する上での参考資料を作成することを 目的として16品目の2024-2025年までの国内出荷台数予測を行いまし
ICARHMA 2024 Working Group Meeting was held in Chicago, U.S.
No.696 2024年3月
On 21st January 2024, JRAIA participated in Working Group meeting of ICARHMA (The International Council of Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Manufacturers Association), an international council of eleven global RACHP industry associations held in Chicago, U.S.
■Previous Working Group meeting of ICARHMA 2023
The Working Group meeting of ICARHMA was held on 21st January 2024 in Chicago, U.S..
ICARHMA meetings are held in close cooperation with industry associations to discuss positions and responses to global industry-related activities, with a focus on global environmental issues.
The Working Group as interim meeting is being held in conjunction with the AHR Expo in the U.S. in addition to the annual meeting, which is hosted in rotation by each association.
The Working Group meeting this time was held face-to-face, following the annual meeting in Montreal, Canada, in September 2023, and was attended by 19 participants from the U.S.(AHRI: host), Colombia (ACAIRE), Brazil (ABRAVA), Australia(AREMA), EU (EPEE, Eurovent), Canada (HRAI), Korea (KRAIA), China (CRAA) and Japan (JRAIA).
In the meeting, as the emerging issue of the industry, Eurovent introduced the addition of indoor air quality requirements to the European EPBD Directive. In addition, AHRI shared an update on US environmental regulations.
Subsequently, members shared information and the progress of their Top issues. In addition to responses to environmental regulations in each region, a high level of interest was shown in responding to the European PFAS proposal and the WTO/TBT notification of the revised European F-Gas Regulation.
The next annual meeting is scheduled to be held on 21-23 August 2024, in Sao Paulo, Brazil hosted by ABRAVA, in a face-to-face.
photo1: Photo session
photo2: ICARHMA meetng